Advanced Field to Table | Learn/hone your field dressing, skinning, packing, butchering, processing, shooting and camp cooking skills
Having the confidence to deal with an animal after the kill in the field is critical to feeling comfortable taking the shot. This course builds on the skills covered in the Awaken the Hunter course. Each participant processes their own animal from start to finish in field conditions - field dressing and skinning to meat management and butchering - ending with your own whole animal cut and wrapped for your freezer and family/friends. Learn how to transport your animal out of the field while maintaining freshness and quality. Enjoy fine-cooked meals and the art of camp cooking and meal planning as well as other topics to prepare for the hunt. Small groups limited to four participants or pairs - bring a partner to help process your animal and share in the experience and the meat.
This is a unique offering just in time for final preparations prior to fall seasons. We will be using lambs that we raised on our land this year - 100% grass fed/pasture raised with zero chemicals or medications.
Dates and Course Fee, Below
Included in Course
Your own 80+ pound organic grass-fed lamb/sheep, cut and wrapped for your freezer ($800+ value)
Personal guidance field dressing, skinning and quartering/boning your animal on the ground similar to backcountry hunting conditions
Practice of techniques for protecting your meat from scavengers overnight
Practice packing meat into game bags and loading your pack for a simulated pack out
Butcher your animal to your desired primal and sub-primal cuts of steaks, roasts, ground, organs, and soup bones
Wrapping your animal for the freezer
How to use organ meats from your animal
Backcountry camp setup and an overnight
Camp cooking lessons and meal planning for the backcountry
Rifle & archery refresher (sighting in for hunting)
General refresher/Q&A for final hunting prep
30 hours of instruction
Optional salted hide and skinned skull (taxidermy considerations)
Option to dispatch your animal (after demonstrating shooting competence)
Knife sharpening
All meals included
Field dressing, skinning & Quartering/boning out
Your own animal - one animal per participant
Gutting and skinning in field conditions (on the ground)
Considerations for keeping meat clean
How to cool your meat and keep it cool
Tools needed, and not needed
Removing meat from the carcass for packing out
Storing meat in the field
Tying meat up in the tree overnight
Cordage and knots
Techniques for deterring scavengers
Caring for your meat/keeping it cool and clean
Packing meat out of the field
Pack considerations and uses
Game bags
Portioning meat
Sleds, carts, and other pack methods
Start to finish on your own animal
Steaks, roasts, grind
Grinding meat
Silverskin and trimming
Breaking down to meal size cuts
Wrapping meat for the freezer
Wrapping techniques and materials to minimize freezer burn
Your animal wrapped for your freezer
Fat considerations
Freezer options
Tools for streamlining the process
Backcountry camp setup (new for 2024)
Site selection and considerations
Set up our wall tent and/or tipi tent, and your individual tents
Wood stove setups and cooking
Packing gear, food, water
Spend the night in the backcountry
Camp cooking | Sighting in | final prep
Meal planning
Wood/gas stove cooking
Cooking meat to temperature/resting
Keeping a clean backcountry kitchen
Rifle/archery practice: sighting in with your hunting ammo/arrows
Refresher of other Awaken the Hunter topics in preparation for the hunt
Course requirements and prerequisites
Awaken the Hunter prerequisite (or demonstrated proof of hunting knowledge and experience)
Frame pack and minimum 4 deer-sized game bags (w/your initials) (we have limited packs for use). Old pillow cases will work for game bags.
Cooler or other chilled transport
Camping gear (limited private cabins available as upgrade)
Sleeping bag and pad for the overnight; personal tent if desired
Personal mess kit for some meals, water bottle, handkerchief/bandana
Knives (sharpened), gut hooks, etc. (we have some knives for use and sale)
Cordage (100’ roll of 550 paracord or similar; can get away with ~30’ for now)
Rifle or bow and non-toxic ammo or arrows. If you have time to ship it, try Ammoseek or similar and enter your caliber. Filter for “copper” or “lead free.”
Maps of the areas you are planning to hunt (or downloaded on a mapping app)
Any existing gear about which you have questions
Shower towel
Evening drink of choice and/or musical instrument
Course Dates
2024 TBD (late summer/early fall)
Arrive Wednesday by dinner; depart Sunday around noon
Group size: 6 individuals or couples
Course fee (all inclusive 2023)
$3690 (includes tuition, meals, wrapped meat ($800+ value)
Additional family member to help with and share your animal: $1200
Private cabin: $200 (linens, blankets, pillow, towel extra)