Living with the Land
Survival and Foraging Essentials with Charlie Serra
Kettle Falls, WA
Explore the gastronomic richness of Northeastern Washington's flora, in the context of stone-age subsistence and survival skills. (See Course Topics, below.) Prepare the staples of an ancestral diet with wild ingredients, integrating survival skills like friction fire, stone tools, fibercraft, basketry and shelter building.
Continuing with our focus to help heal the connection between humans and nature, this experiential outdoor educational course is designed to elevate your confidence in foraging sustenance from and surviving with the land, and to foster community and dialogue around our connection to the earth and each other.
See Dates and details, below
Included with Instruction:
3.5+ days of expert instruction
Small group size with an emphasis on hands-on, active, outdoor learning
Delicious, nourishing, locally-sourced meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) prepared on-site (with a few meals prepared in the field by participants with foraged foods)
Course materials, tools, and equipment
On-site camping and hot showers (limited upgraded accommodations available)
Invitation to participate in alumni events
See Course Topics, below
Tools and Survival
Friction fire
Shelter building
Plant fiber cordage production
Drinking water safety
Stone Age tools
Bark baskets
Hunting side of Gathering
Small animal harvest and processing
Intro to hide tanning (See our Rabbit Processing & Hide Tanning course for an in-depth tanning experience)
Wild food
Wild fruit/root/seed processing and preservation
Jerky, fat-rendering, and pemmican
Foods for emergency situations
Seasonal harvest planning and organization
Plant Taxonomy and Identification
Staple food plants
Poisonous look-alikes
Important trees to know for tools and survival
Wild Food in Context
Contemporary culinary applications of wild food
Wild food ecology, conservation, and sustainable harvest
Wild food sociocultural issues
Note: Course topics subject to current conditions and availability at the time of course. Many of these topics are readily available to us during this course, and some will depend on seasonal fluctuations and what the natural world presents us with this year.
Course Dates
TBA (based on our nomadic instructors’ whereabouts…)
Size Limit: 6 Adults (+kids)
Course Tuition: (All-inclusive for four days/three nights)
Adult: $1400
Accompanied Child (ages 10-18): $800
Schedule: This course will begin at noon on the start date (please arrive between 11 AM and noon) and conclude by 1 PM on the final day.
Occurs concurrently with an Awaken the Hunter Course
These are separate tracks that will concentrate on specific curriculum, but participants will be together for some meals and stay together on site, with some overlap during the days and evenings around the fire. Great option for partners who want to explore different topics.
See FAQ's for general gear requirements. Exact location and directions will be provided with registration confirmation.